Sunday, September 16, 2012

Rejuvenating Sunday

Blogathon- Count Down # 15

Every weekend, after a week’s hectic schedule, I get one day off. Sundays are thus so special for me. Any how, there will be a lot of work to do . All the cleaning, washing, etc..etc..and preparation for the next week. Oh! Even Sundays are not free of work for me. But, I have decided to give myself some ‘ Me’ time. I have to rejuvenate myself. At the weekends, I feel so exhausted..
                Usually, on Sundays I wake up late. And start things a bit slowly. But, I found it no use. My intention was to feel relaxed, and behaving like nothing is ahead to do. But, this result in a very busy Sunday evening, as almost the works are pending, a lot to do and I will start to hate Mondays. This is repeating every week, and I am doing nothing about it!!. How can I be this much irresponsible?!!
            So, let me think about it. What should I do? Shall I start all the work as every other working days? Or shall I give up the idea of having a ‘precious off day’? Hey, It is not that I am becoming lazy, or don’t like my job. Actually, I love my job. I really enjoy doing it. But, I miss something. I miss, those days, in which I can be with a book (not study), any time. I love to read. I was such a restless book worm, who keeps on going to new -new books. But, you know, what happened now? I am not daring to make a look on the books, those I have bought with so much passion, which I keep near to my bed. In the past two months, I have finished only one book, other two still just in the starting point. The last book I have read was “One amazing Thing” , by Chitra Bannerji Divakaruni. It was really an amazing reading. Now, I just have started ‘Lessons in forgetting’ ,by Anita Nair. Oh! I  think, the topic has diverted now. Ok, getting back to that; I haven’t touched about 7 new books in my shelf, yet to read. I have brought these more than 3 months back. I have never had such a situation. ‘Books are there untouched by me?!!’ that was not possible. But, you know, it is what happening now.
            When I started my job, I haven’t there to make any blog post too.. One day, I felt so bad about this, and came back with the mission ‘Blogathon’- and it is going on well. Aren’t I busy nowadays? Then how can I keep my blog space refreshing every day? So, here is the answer. “where there is a will, there is a way”.
            So, coming back to the ‘rejuvenating Sunday’. I have decided to make my Sundays as ‘Spa day’[Mental spa]. Decided to wake up in the usual time [will make it a bit earlier step by step], and will have bath and breakfast on the usual time. The time between waking up and breakfast, will be my “Me time”. I will meditate in the cool mornings, without the tension to get ready and go college. I will have a long refreshing bath, as a compensation for the hasty-short one on other days. I will enjoy my breakfast, instead of just skipping it like in most of the days, or making it a Breakfast+ lunch on the past Sundays. Then only, I will start my works. Hey, I am not going to be called as a workaholic, who keeps on working on holidays. I will do if any urgent thing is to be done. Actually, I am planning to finish almost my work on Saturdays [then that will be called as Hectic Saturday J], leaving nothing  for Sundays. Then, after the house hold chores, I can be with any of my favourite books, movies or songs. I will enjoy ‘my day’ completely. And I will be going to bed with a happy, content and satisfied heart...

1 comment:

  1. :o)

    Interesting analysis of your day... I also feel very lazy on Sundays :)


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